Portrait Gallery Commissions by Marcia McMahon, M.A. Nationally renown Watercolorist
How to order a Commission Watercolor!  

(c) McMahon 2006

Cheyanne Rose, original watercolor by Marcia McMahon, M.A. Marcia specializes in portraits of you or your relatives!

Portrait of Cheyanne Rose by Marcia McMahon, commissoned watercolor. Art Collection of Jamie Walter, Petersburg, IL

You will have to send your photo jpeg to my email at marciadi@newwavecomm.net. Payment must be recieved before I can begin on the portait! You will be sent a scanned jpeg of the watercolor portrait via email, for approval, and then the original will be mailed to you, signed and ready for hanging! If you have a grandaughter, son or relative whom you wish to have a portrait made, please contact me at marciadi@newwavecomm.net! To purchase your own watercolor portrait, please press the buy now button thru Pay Pal. Commission is just 200.00!

"In Loving Memory: Juline Guimard"
1998, charcoal, conte crayon
Marcia McMahon

(c) McMahon 2006

"Hannah" Drawing by Marcia McMahon, 2001. Collection of Jodi White, FL

(c) McMahon 2006

Lady Isis, Lady Of the Light, publisher of the Light Circle Ezine!

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Gallery Two

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Gallery Four

Gallery Five

Ascended Masters Art Gallery

Email: dianaspeaks@hotmail.com